
2024-25 Woman’s Club of Erie Executive Committee

President: Marianne Heck

President-Elect: Open

Co-Vice President: Mary Jane Blair

Co-Vice President: Elaine Heiden

Co-Vice President: Open

Corresponding Secretary: Dina Reale

Recording Secretary: Carol Mingarelle

Treasurer: Marci Cashman

Assistant Treasurer: Janice Tssario

Directors:  Rosie Schaaf, Carol Tomczak, Colleen Loeslein and Loretta Seigley

Membership Secretary: Peggy Laughlin

Registrar: Donna Harrington

The Erie Woman’s Club was formed in December 1897 by 18 women at the suggestion of the President of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs located in Pittsburgh in order to extend membership statewide. The following month–January 1898–the Erie Club joined the General Federation of Women’s Clubs and, in April, the PA Federation of Women’s Clubs. The object of the Erie Club was “to unite the influence, sympathy and counsel of the women of Erie and to promote measures which all can endorse, whether these be legislative, educational, moral or social.”

A member of the Woman’s Club of Erie is also a member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, the Pennsylvania Federation of Women’s Clubs, The Northwest District of GFWCPA and the Erie County Federation of Women’s Clubs. A portion of the yearly dues ($135.00) is paid annually to GFWC ($15.00) and GFWC PA ($13.00).

Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the General Federation of Women’s Clubs is an international women’s organization dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service.

The Pennsylvania Federation of Women’s Clubs was founded in 1895 in Philadelphia. The Federation unites and promotes legislation and civic, educational, moral and social initiatives relating to women. GFWC Pennsylvania State Headquarters, located in Camp Hill, encompasses 27 counties and 124 clubs with an approximate membership of 4,260.  Members include teachers, business owners, social workers, elected officials, medical professionals, homemakers, corporate executives, students, and retirees. Membership in general clubs is open to women 18 years of age and older.

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The Mission Statement of the Woman’s Club of Erie shall be the promotion of the members’ active participation in the educational, civic and philanthropic objectives of the needs of the community throughout greater awareness of the needs of the Erie area and the historic preservation of the Woman’s Club House.

The Erie Woman’s Club holds monthly board, general, department and other meetings. Guest speakers are welcome and opportunities to expand one’s knowledge base whether it be academically, creatively or just for fun. Social events provide opportunities to meet new members. Fundraising activities are held to support two annual student scholarships, community engagement and preservation of the historic Clubhouse. Working together for a common purpose creates a group of women that are united and become family.

If you want to be a member of the largest organization of women in the world,

If you want to join a group that is dynamic, creative and inspiring,

If you want your time to have a purpose,

If you want to meet and get to know wonderful women,

THEN the Woman’s Club of Erie is for you!

Download a membership application here!

Or if you would like to donate to the Mission activities,

Contact the Woman’s Club of Erie at:

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